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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Hazel Eyes

Colors for Hazel Eyes:
 Gold, pink, lavender, plum, khaki and mocha are great ones too. Purple shades contrast your color, making eyes look dramatic. Warmer shades of mocha complement the green hue in hazel eyes, giving a natural effect. Soft pink is another good color.


Dark Winter Eyeshadow: green or khaki, turquoise, maroon, gray with touch of blue, brown and light gray, lavender in frosted or pearlized versions (purple contrasts eye)

deep winter, 4/3
cool skin, dark hazel eyes

Soft Summer Eyeshadow: tan, mocha brown, lavender, blue-violet (purple contrasts eye), blue, possibly aqua and highlight with frosty peach

soft summer 2/3
cool skin and soft hazel eyes

gloMinerals Mini Eye Shadow Quad - Glam
gloMinerals Mini Eye Shadow Quad - Glam 
Colors: Midas, Crystal, Plum Fairy, Peachy

can have neutral skin 


Soft Autumn Eyeshadow: blue, light olive green/khaki, neutral browns; violet (purple contrasts eye), mocha brown, gold or tan for highlight 

soft atumn 3/2
warm skin and soft eyes

can have neutral skin


Dark Autumn Eyeshadow
: cool pure violet (purple contrasts eye), light blue, navy blue, blue-green, highlight with Autumn tan, gold, or mocha 

deep autumn 4/3
warm skin and dark hazel eyes


Light Spring Eyeshadow
: blue, turquoise, blue-violet  (purple contrasts eye)
 Highlight the yellow light in your eye by using a pale creamy yellow under-eyebrow highlight, spring brown, or wearing your purples in jewelry.

light spring 1/2
warm skin and light hazel eyes


Clear Spring Eyeshadows
: blue, blue-violet (purple contrasts eye), navy blue, turquoise, green; 
creamy yellow eyeshadow highlighter is good

clear spring 1/4
warm skin and light hazel eyes


Warm Autumn Eyeshadow
violet (purple contrasts eye), blue-green, khaki, forest green, pine greens, metallic browns, with gold highlight; if blue eyes, also pure violet and light blue, with tan, khaki, rust, gold for contouring

warm autumn 3/1
warm skin and hazel eyes
warm autumn 3/1
warm skin and hazel eyes

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